The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Image 6 of 12

“In a sheltered cove, where golden rays cascade
 A TROVE of treasures awaits, in secret shade.
Beneath the waves, secrets lie untold,
A hidden world of wonders to behold.
Let the sun guide our path, its golden glow,
As we unearth stories that only cove winds know.”

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography, Stairs
The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography, Stairs

Nestled within the TRX Exchange Mall in Kuala Lumpur, the second iteration of Trove, crafted by Spacemen, embodies the essence of light in its design ethos. Inspired by the intangible nature of light, the store is conceived as a luminous sanctuary reminiscent of an abstract cove. The concept revolves around the interplay of light and shadow within cavernous interiors, creating a surreal atmosphere for shoppers.

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography
The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Image 12 of 12

At the heart of the store lies a singular architectural language: linear shelves that stretch seamlessly from floor to ceiling, mirroring the undulating curves of a cave’s interior. These sweeping forms not only serve as a functional display system but also evoke the sensation of exploring hidden alcoves within a natural formation. Within the curved walls, discrete display nooks showcase Trove’s curated collection, inviting patrons to discover treasures with each sweeping glance. 

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography, Shelving

Anchoring the front of the store is a floating circular product experience bar, a focal point that beckons visitors to engage with Trove’s offerings. Above, a circular skylight bathes the space in natural illumination, further accentuating the play of light and shadow. Transitioning towards the rear, the ambiance subtly shifts to a darker, more intimate setting, signaling the entrance to the treatment cove.

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography
The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography, Chair

In this secluded enclave, intimate coves are crafted to offer patrons a tranquil escape from indulging in facial spas and other rejuvenating treatments. Here, the design narrative takes a nuanced turn, with the abstract silhouette of a sunrise subtly integrated into the horizontal nooks, symbolizing the promise of renewal and transformation. Through a unique sculptural spatial design, the Trove store at TRX Exchange Mall emerges as a luminous cove where light and design converge to create a unique retail experience.

The Lost Cove Store / Spacemen Studio - Interior Photography

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