DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS

  • Architects: UNDPLUS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  200
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Yves Sucksdorff
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Plus Kouple
DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Image 6 of 17
DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography, Beam

Text description provided by the architects. The new office spaces for the Berlin-based advertising agency DOJO were designed and executed by the interior design firm UNDPLUS.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography, Table, Chair, Lighting

The office space, which is located within the Holy Cross Church building in the middle of Berlin Kreuzberg, combines the sacred existing architecture with a modern and contemporary design philosophy. For this purpose, UNDPLUS complemented the old masonry with contrasting materials, geometric elements, and decorative eye-catchers in the company’s CI color.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Image 15 of 17

A cubic seating area in black with slime green cushions and side tables forms the central room of the office. The pedestal extends along a staircase on both sides. The whole area is covered by a symmetrical dome, which gives an idea of the building’s original sacred context.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Image 7 of 17

Through the new zoning of the kitchen, UNDPLUS achieved not only functional but also acoustic improvements in the room. The space is divided into two areas by custom-made metal frames: the black kitchen and a separate dining and meeting area. Additionally, integrated soundproof panels within the metal structure create a quiet working atmosphere for the employees.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows, Handrail
DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography

The sanitary facilities were designed and implemented in a monochrome style. Both, the epoxy floor and the tile walls, were designed in vibrant slime green with contrasting black accessories.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography

The lighting was a collaboration between UNDPLUS, the design brand +kouple from Kyiv, and the advertising agency DOJO. A slime green pendant PLATE lamp was designed and produced from +kouple to create an eyecatcher in the kitchen area.

DOJO Office Headquarter Berlin / UNDPLUS - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Handrail, Beam

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